N. Tottori, T. Hatsuzawa, T. Nisisako,
"Separation of main and satellite droplets in a deterministic lateral displacement microfluidic device",
RSC Adv. 7, pp.35516-35524 (2017).
T. Hatsuzawa, D. Ito, T. Nisisako, Y. Yanagida,
"Micro-rotary ratchets driven by migratory phytoplankton with phototactit stimulus",
Precis. Eng. 48, pp.107-113 (2017).
Takasi Nisisako and Naotomo Tottori
Microfluidic separation of main and satellite emulsion droplets through micropillar arrays
EMN Orlando Meeting 2017, pp.87-88, Orlando, FL, USA, December 4-8, 2017.
Seungman Choi, Naotomo Tottori, Rui Zhang, and Takasi Nisisako
A soft and disposable step-emulsification device for generating monodisperse emulsions and particles
The 7th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering
and Nanotechnology (ASPEN 2017), MEM-O-02, Seoul, KOREA, November 14-17, 2017.
Naotomo Tottori and Takasi Nisisako
Hands-off particles separation using a deterministic lateral displacement microfluidic device
The 7th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering
and Nanotechnology (ASPEN 2017), MEM-O-01, Seoul, KOREA, November 14-17, 2017.
Naotomo Tottori and Takasi Nisisako
Sheathless deterministic lateral displacement for continuous particle separation
in viscoelastic fluid The 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and
Life Sciences(MicroTAS2017), pp.1409-1410, Savannah, GA, USA, October 22-26, 2017.
Naotomo Tottori and Takasi Nisisako
Particles separation via sheath-free deterministic lateral displacement
with inertially focused single input The 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and
Life Sciences(MicroTAS2017), pp.1373-1374, Savannah, GA, USA, October 22-26, 2017.
Takeshi Hatsuzawa, Yasuko Yanagida, and Takasi Nisisako
Microorganisms driven micro actuation mechanisms for the kinetic energy harvesting Transducers 2017, pp.2067-2070, Kaohsiung, TAIWAN, June 18-22, 2017.